Protectus TM, protect Your employees, costumer and your business - Coronavirus Testing

AFTER THE LOCKDOWN THE VIRUS LIVES ON - Risks and solutions in everyday work

Veröffentlicht von Rigobert Kullmann am 6.10.2020

The Covid-19 virus is keeping the world in suspense. Even though the global lockdown is finally over, the situation has not really relaxed. Even in countries where the numbers are currently low, the easing of lockdown regulations gives a feeling of security, but one must not be lulled into a false sense of security. Instead we need to eliminate the risks that still exist as best as possible. The goal for a well-running business is to keep it running consistently and without failure. We look with suspicious eyes at the explosive nature of the return to everyday work in times of crisis:

  1. What risks does the return to routine entail?
  2. What measures must be taken?
  3. What additional solutions can be created?


In many countries, everyday work life has started again, and with it, worries have returned. By returning to the old routines now, you may unintentionally provide a breeding ground for spreading the virus. The danger is its invisibility. A team member can carry the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 s unknowingly inside, come to work on Monday, infect their colleagues and at the end of the week the whole staff is sick. The absence of employees in high numbers reduces the production, and without production nothing goes into sales, and without sales, no turnover is generated, which, depending on the reserves, can well endanger the existence of the entire company. In addition, the image of the company could be inevitably destroyed if the source of infection becomes known to the outside world. The loss of turnover is followed by a loss of customers and quickly the company might face existential challenges.


There are countries in which the virus literally rages: In the United States, CDC officials are currently predicting a possible 100,000 new infections per day[1]. The US kept posting record figures for weeks, even longer. The fight against the pandemic is being handled very differently around the world. That´s why the key to switching back to regional lockdown mode is defined differently in different countries. In Germany, the current limit is 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within 7 days, the so-called 7-day incidence (agreed between the federal and state governments). These values are quickly reached, as shown in the example above. The European meat industry has become a focus point as it seems to become a hotspot for work-related outbreaks. Let’s have a closer look:


In these days infection sizes in the meat industry are appearing increasingly, which seem frightening. Only recently, 260 positive cases of 831 tests (as of 12.05.2020) have occurred at the company Westfleisch in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). Thus, the upper limit of the district was exceeded, and the planned relaxation did not come into effect for the entire district of Coesfeld. Therefore, such a spread can trigger restrictions also for the surrounding population. The virus also hit massively the meat producer Tönnies. Due to the large number of tests that had to be carried out in one fell swoop, the German Armed Forces stepped in to provide support. All 6139 employees were tested, including 1331 infected[2] (among the 5899 findings). In this case, the lockdown was not extended to the population because the infection could only be localized at the Tönnies company. Instead, the meat plant was closed for 14 days, according to the decision and order of the district. In this district of Unna, the authorities of almost all towns are currently (as of 22.06.20) dealing with this Corona outbreak, because all employees have to be quarantined, living scattered throughout the district. It is important to prevent such a maximum credible accident, especially as this is not an isolated case.

Even across borders, the Dutch meat company, Vion had to close down after a mass infection. Half of those infected, i.e. every second employee who tested positive, live in Germany (79 people). The company employs 12,000 people in its slaughterhouses in Germany and the Netherlands (according to its own information). The outbreak in Coes is not their only case. Again, cramped accommodation is the main reason for the spread of the SARS-CoV- 2 virus and the spread of Covid-19. In group housing, many people live in cramped conditions. And the list goes on: closures of slaughterhouses in Münsterland, Bad Bramstedt etc. Likewise in a slaughterhouse in Austria, near the Czech border, 24 employees were infected and thus 244 workers from the meat plant in Eggenburg were sent into quarantine.[3] A butchery near Linz also closed down as a precautionary measure after several of its employees tested positive.² In short: the current Corona virus hotspot in Central Europe lies within the meat industry.

German ministers have responded by calling for an immediate tightening of controls and high fines for companies that fail to provide support in combating the pandemic. Such reports unsettle the consumer and uncertainty is not helpful in the current economic situation. Since the virus literally dominates everyday life, we must control it. Control of the situation helps.

2.) Countermeasures must be taken

Plant managers employing a lot of people are responsible for the safety of those jobs and for the integrity of your employees. In Germany, this responsibility is even regulated by law:


To stop the Covid-19 pandemic appropriate measures must be taken. Security measures can be of various kinds. The dissemination of information is of first importance.

Communication is the responsibility of the employer. The employer is legally obliged to take the necessary protective measures, beginning with comprehensive information about the risk of infection and the corresponding hygiene rules. Posters, displays and updates via email are good tools for this purpose. In extreme cases, his duty only ends when the business is closed and/or the employees are asked to work from home. Within this duty of care, the well-being of the employee must be the focus of attention: special attention must be paid to his/her dignity and personality, and to ensure that he/she suffers no harm. The duty of the employer is to take precautionary measures and to provide information is regulated by § 618 para. 1 BGB, § 3 Arbeitsschutzgesetz.

Protection and precautions start with the access routes and accommodations. Only those who take a comprehensive analysis of the security situation and design measures appropriately have a chance of getting through this crisis comprehensively. This speaks especially towards industries with high customer contact such as retail, gastronomy, hotel business, care professionals, and etc. having to change over: issuing protection, masks, gloves and disinfection, ... Depending on the situation, appropriate equipment must be provided, but is not always guaranteed.

In the United Kingdom, on the other hand, the duty of care is governed by common law.[4]


In order to prevent mass infections and the resulting uncertainty among consumers, the first major companies are taking action and carrying out prophylactic mass tests. Germany is the absolute pioneer in this respect: Deutsche Post is the first company in Germany and even worldwide to plan to have its employees tested without symptoms, but purely preventively.


More than 10,000 employees are involved in the Corona test program. The focus is on the large sites, and the test series has already begun. The series tests are voluntary and are subject to co-determination as an occupational safety measure. The campaign has been well received by employees and works councils, as reported by ZDF (a public television station) [5] .


As long as the virus remains among us, regular testing of all employees is currently not only the best, but the only solution to prevent the mass spread of the virus in every and any company. Let us remember that the common enemy is an invisible one, testing being the only way to make the virus visible.

It also makes sense within moral obligation to communicate any test results to the outside world, so that customers are aware of possible outcomes and able to regain confidence in trade or supplying industries, tourist business and many others.

3. What additional solutions can be created?

We want to be part of the solution: the credo of our experts in Team Rigilog. How can we support this testing process while practicing the prevention of infection? The team gave free reign to their thoughts. The result is as simple as it is effective: we have extended our widely used solution to include the health check function, having made it much easier to use.


The new function helps to handle and manage employee tests. If all employees must take this test, it requires complex scheduling. The larger the company, the more complex becomes the test logistics. Since one can carry the virus without symptoms, testing must not become itself an effective source of transmission. Therefore, advance planning is necessary. Precise scheduling is very important to avoid long queues. The new software also helps here.

The health module has always been part of the soultion, which is originally designed to manage workwear and protective equipment. Users such as the BVG (Berlin Public Transport Company) or the city of Zurich (Switzerland) know about the advantages of such management software. Due to the current situation as well as of the need to actively participate in the design of solutions, we have now extended the feature "health check", having so far focused on vision and hearing tests as well as health certificates (important for the gastronomy businesses i.e.) The new LogiX Protect feature not only manages the Covid-19 test appointments of all employees, but also their results. One special advantage is that LogiX Protect can also be used independently of the overall software. It is deliberately bookable as a single tool, so that every company can access it when needed, without having to equip itself with the overall solution. The modules are individually adaptable, depending on customer wishes and needs. Ingenuity is key.

Flexibility has also been taken into account: There is no need for long-term commitment, but it is possible to terminate the use at any time - monthly - i.e. when a vaccine has been found and there is no longer any danger after the vaccination, so that employee testing can be discontinued.


To ensure that everyone can benefit from the solution, we placed great value on a multilingual solution from the outset. This is available in all countries particularly affected by the COVID pandemic. Language options: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French.


The crisis has not yet been overcome, and we are still seeking solutions all over the world. This requires innovative solutions. Preventive testing is the safest measure according to current experience. The best possible support is a system-supported administration of employee tests. The innovation in the functionality of our software brings considerable additional benefits in the area of employee protection, thus the employers' duty of care, making it much easier to coordinate any test series.

Costs of the tests are marginal compared to the loss of production and possible damages to the company's ultimate image, the costs of the software usage are even more marginal.

If everyone pulls together, the risk of infection can be minimized.

Put ProtectusTM to the  test and use the solution in your organization for 14 days without paying a dime for it! Convince yourself that you no longer want to give up ProtectusTM in order to protect your employees, your customers and your business. Give pandemics such as Covid-19 no chance!

Stand 23.06.20

[1] 30.06.20

[2]   Stand 21.06.2020

[3] Stand 15.07.2020

[4] 15.07.2020


Themen: Software, Sicherheit, Corona