Rigi(B)log - heute von morgen lesen

Rigobert Kullmann

Als Vertriebsleiter bei Rigilog habe ich täglich Kontakt zu Interessenten und Kunden unserer Software, was mir immer wieder die Möglichkeit gibt, von den Herausforderungen der verantwortlichen Kollegen im Umfeld von Berufsbekleidung und Ausrüstung zu lernen. Ihre Problem werden zu meinen Themen, über die ich schreibe. Gerne tausche ich meine Erfahrungen und Tipps im Rigi(B)log mit meinen Lesern aus. Nutzen Sie die Kommentarfunktion oder auch meine e-Mail-Adresse um mit mir ins Gespräch zu kommen. Ich werde mich sehr bemühen, auch Ihre Herausforderungen zu analysieren und meine Hilfe zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ich liebe Musik und Reisen, wie das gesellige Zusammensein mit meinen Freunden.

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Covid-19 in 2021 - The Illusion of ´Back to Normal´!

von Rigobert Kullmann am 19.01.2021

When we talk about the Corona pandemic today, which has been with us for a year now, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that if everyone works together and consistently implements the known measures, contagions and Covid-19 infection risks can be minimized. The bad news is that the crisis is far from over. The hope that the approved vaccines will relieve us of all worries in the short term is shattered for various reasons: On the one hand, several new viral mutations are appearing and, on the other hand, both vaccine refusers and vaccine supply shortages will continue to stand in the way of mass immunization for quite some time. According to recent experience, preventive testing is the safest prophylaxis among the known protection concepts.

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Stichworte: Sicherheit, Corona, protectus.io

AFTER THE LOCKDOWN THE VIRUS LIVES ON - Risks and solutions in everyday work

von Rigobert Kullmann am 6.10.2020

The Covid-19 virus is keeping the world in suspense. Even though the global lockdown is finally over, the situation has not really relaxed. Even in countries where the numbers are currently low, the easing of lockdown regulations gives a feeling of security, but one must not be lulled into a false sense of security. Instead we need to eliminate the risks that still exist as best as possible. The goal for a well-running business is to keep it running consistently and without failure. We look with suspicious eyes at the explosive nature of the return to everyday work in times of crisis:

  1. What risks does the return to routine entail?
  2. What measures must be taken?
  3. What additional solutions can be created?
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Stichworte: Software, Sicherheit, Corona

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